Sunday, October 3, 2010

Society's Veiw of Children Today - Derek B.

        Children today are seen as something to be portrayed through. Parents seem to want to make their children into something to be proud of, rather than just be proud of what they already are. Trying to make the child perfect, parents push him, possibly beyond limits. Honors and AP classes, more chores, more clubs, more extracurriculars, excellence, getting into a good college. But at the same time, no more freedoms are given. No more allowance, no more free time, no more things are gained by accomplishing more responsibilities. It is simply expected. It is as if children are bred for the sole purpose of pleasing their parents and making them look good.
         But it is different when it is someone else's child. Then they are perfect, getting into the right college, getting this or that award. Needing to be saved. "Save the starving children!" they say when they themselves are pushing away and discouraging their own. But maybe it is not so different. Does not a country or household or person look good if he is generous and cares for the youth of the nation? Even then, children are serving to make others look good.


  1. I agree completely since it is the story of my life. Parents are too focused on the future of the child that they don't see how it effects them now. Don't get me wrong, they are suppose to look out for your future but at the same time they should consider that what you experiance now will determine your future. And it is a way for them to feel acomplished through us.

    -1203 member LR

  2. It's completely understandable. I mean parents need to push their children or they digress in their responsibilities. Looking at my older brother, who recently moved out at 23 last year struggled to get his life in order to advance. He has his own place now, is a dental assistant, and is currently going to school. I'm very proud of him, but it took him 7 years after highschool, where he simply never went. I don't mean to use him as an example of what to do, because he is still happy. My parents always pushed me, criticized me, and cared less to understand, but somehow I learned to earn my grades and complete chores for my own good. The world is rigorous without a habit of ambition. The things parents do by adding rewards or prohibitions keep us from digressing. I know I digressed a lot and got myself in a lot of trouble. It's difficult to get back on track with so many distractions out there, but parents are a help. It's certainly helped me find out what I enjoy doing most -art, writing, movies, etc.
    -Elish I - Blue Penguins
